Professor Alex ‘Doc ScholAr’ Flowers, M.S coined and defined BrainSTEMology® (BSo), an edutainment company, ‘as the study of brilliant rhymes academic in nature incorporating applied science, technology, engineering, and mathematical content’. BSo redefines what a doctor, pharmacist, scientist, technologist, engineer, and mathematician look like in the 21st century through Hip-Hop Cypher Education x Applied STEM. 

Changing the Narrative in STEM.

Professor Alex has over 20-year of stellar achievements in academia, governmental laboratories, clinical research organizations, pharmacy practice, and biopharma industries. After earning his B.S in biology and minor in chemistry, he became the first African-American male selected for the University of Chicago’s National Institute of Health (NIH) Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) joining the Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology.  In addition, Alex received the prestigious Oak Ridge Institute for Science & Education (ORISE) Fellowship Appointment at the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 5 Chicago Regional Laboratory Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry Department. He earned his M.S in biotechnology/chemical sciences with a concentration in pharmacology at Roosevelt University College of Science, Health & Pharmacy. He is the first African-American to earn an NIH Minority Health International Research Training (MHIRT) Fellowship at the University of Cambridge-England in the Department of Genetics through California State University Fullerton.  Following his didactic training in pharmacy school, Alex gained valuable experience in global product development, medical, scientific and regulatory affairs, medical information, teaching, medical writing, project management, and scientific publications in clinical research organizations, higher education, and biopharma industries. 

Hip-Hop and STEM are Universal Languages.

BrainSTEMology® (BSo) excels in solving universal challenges through its Hip-Hop Cypher Education x Applied STEM Academy. Professor Alex has implemented Hip-Hop Culture into STEM principles as academic disciplines rooted by formal and informal societal collaborations regardless of one's race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic status.  BSo teaches students the art & science behind critical thinking skills, collaborative STEM projects, and articulating scientific content to stakeholders through fun and innovative methods that are universal.


Making Hip-Hop x STEM Equivalents Again!

Hip-Hop STEM Pillars

Cudgel one’s brains, Collaborate wit to your squad, Cypher the entire world.

  • “Think hard about a problem.”

  • “Work jointly on an activity, especially to produce or create something.”

  • “Put into secret writing; encode and do arithmetic.”

Esto sic alii possunt esse tibi - Be So others can be you
— BrainSTEMology's Mission Statement

BrainSTEMology, Where Hip-Hop Is Academic!